Inspirational Stories from the Blue Ridge Highlander On-line Magazine
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Messages from the Mountains
Welcome to the Blue Ridge Highlander Library of Inspirational Tales. We hope you enjoy the stories we have created for your entertainment. Below is a photo and short description about each story, click the photo or title to go to the full story. New stories will continue to be added, so check back occasionally to enjoy the new additions.

Freedom of the Skies, interview with an OutlawIt started out as an ordinary average day, what became of that and how the day ended was something of the extra… ordinary.

It had been a warmer than usual summer and we could surely use the rain. The natural rainforest within the southern Blue Ridge Mountains are at their finest when they receive sufficient rainfall even though the unusual summer heat this year had often just sucked the moisture right back up into the atmosphere. The forest looked rather healthy yet the water levels were down a little. read on....

As mere mortal beings, we did not create love instead we are the product of love's good intention. We all strive to be embraced with the warm and nurturing qualities of love, yet often it eludes on...

Hope, Faith and the LightThis is a message of Hope for the upcoming year and beyond. In our quest for a relevant story we were quite perplexed because of the current times.

Inspired by an abstract thought to ponder on. "There is light at the end of the tunnel" a cliche, but but one with meaning, and something we do believe, we were inspired to write this story, one that we got more response than any for yourself....and gain your own sense of Hope, Faith and the Light at the end of the Tunnel.

A Merry Humble Mountain ChristmasThis Christmas tale is several stories in one, our purpose is to take you back to the true essence of Christmas.

Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year where truth and love can set you free, as the fictitious character George Bailey of Bedford Falls discovered in, "It's a Wonderful Life."   Like ole' George found out, the holidays can be trying for those who are burdened with heavy responsibilities, challenges or troubles.

We know that this is a very busy time of the year for everyone, but if you take the time to read the entire story, you will be happy you did.   It might just change how you view the holidays and bring a new light and joy to your life. read on...

Nathanael O. Smith Storyteller

Tears of Fairies ...Howdy! I'm Nathanael O. Smith. I've lived in these mountains all my days, wouldn't ever dream of leaving here, my ancestral roots are here to stay. I've been telling tales and hearing tales all my life, its what my family and neighbors have been doing in these parts for generations. Tales about pioneers and the folks that arrived here directly from the "Old World." Some of my fondest tales have been about the Cherokee people, they're really the first mountain people, and they lived here longer than time will tell.

Psalms about the Mountains

7th Heaven Angel Shop

7th Heaven Angel Shop and More!
Heavenly solutions for the perfect gift!
Featuring Roman's Seraphim Angels.

Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains
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Blue Ridge Smoky Mountain Highlander