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Union County Farmers Market

Farmer Market

On the eastern edge of Blairsville, located on Old Smoky Road just north of Hwy 515/76, is the very popular Union County Farmers Market. The Market is located within an excellent elongated outdoor, covered pavilion protecting vendors and shoppers from the elements of rainy weather and hot sunlight.

There's ample parking and room for 65-vendors under the large roofed pavilion, offering visitors access to local growers of various sizes. Vendors display varieties of fresh produce, along with canned foods, bake goods and beekeeper's honeys. There are also several concessionaires and handmade crafts by local artisans, plus plants and flowers for gardens and home. These choice products draw shoppers from both near and far to enjoy the wonderful opportunity of purchasing home grown and handmade products.


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290 Farmers Market Way
Blairsville , GA 30512
Phone: 706.439.6000
Website: Click to Visit
Geocode: 34.9000018, -83.9291265
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Travel and Real Estate Guide to the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains, including North Georgia, Western North Carolina, Tennessee River Valley and Up Country South Carolina
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