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Chophouse at LaPrade's on Lake Burton

Chophouse at LaPrades

The Chophouse at LaPrade's on Lake Burton

Lunch • Dinner • Sunday Brunch

The Chophouse at LaPrade's re opened in the spring of 2011 under Chef James Reaux with casual elegant dining inside and outside, as well as the boating casual Lakeside Bar and Grill located dockside at the marina. Enjoy live music (in season), fine American cuisine, with regional southern and local accents. Chef Reaux provides premium grade products with an emphasis on fresh fish/lobster, prime rib, steaks and chops along with the finest quality produce and desserts. Complete with an extensive wine list and cocktails (dockside or in the restaurant).

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25 Shoreline Trail
Lake Burton , NC 30523
Phone: 706.947.8777
Website: Click to Visit
Geocode: 34.7150955, -83.5709640
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