Whitewater in the Morning at the Ole Blue Swimmin Hole....Mid-summer heat on a dog day afternoon... visibility fades into a heavy mist hanging densely over the mountains of the southern Blue Ridge...the summer season is at its height. Deep within the Cherokee National Forest of southeastern Tennessee's Polk County, is an ancient gorge lined with steep rock walls twisting along the cutting path of the Ocoee River's whitewater paradise.
Cruising along the lower level of the gorge is Highway 64 traveling the northern banks of the Ocoee River, following an ancient Native American trail turned miner's road known as the Old Copper Road. Yet another name for this engineering marvel is the Ocoee Scenic Byway. The Byway skirts along the northern banks of rushing whitewater, enormous rough honed rock faces jet out into the highway causing the pavement to traverse sharply around blacktopped curves.
rafting Commercial
whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River begins each year in late March and
goes to November. Personally I shoot few victory shots, mostly I'm looking for that shot that bends the bowel of the raft back to an almost vertical position just before it slams down on the river, I'm not looking for smiles I'm looking for the pure adrenaline rush on their whitewater faces. Whitewater rafting is the adventure you'll write home about, it's fun, it's exciting and affordable. Local commercial rafting companies can set you up with a trip down the Ocoee River along with a variety of other local adventures available in this region of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Polk County, Tennessee. The Ocoee River is divided into three section, The "Upper Ocoee" with its Olympic Course, and rapids up to a class 5, runs on weekends from April 24th through October 31st. The "Middle Ocoee," is a wild untamed river with rapids up to a class 4 with names like "Grumpies," "Double Suck," "Table Saw" and "Diamond Splitter.'' Rafting the "Middle Ocoee" begins each year on the last weekend in March and continues to open on weekends till Memorial Day when the schedule runs Thursday thru Mondays. Labor Day the Ocoee River returns to Saturdays and Sundays till the first weekend in November. The "Lower Ocoee," is a section of the river that flows gently into Ocoee Lake, there is no commercial rafting, but is open to the public, kinda a byob, "bring your own boat". Check out the Ocoee Water Release Schedule. To plan your whitewater adventure contact: Great Mountain Adventures. What makes a river run wild? If you've ever wondered about what makes a river run wild, does the rushing power of white capped water do a free-standing act above the river's current? The "Upper Ocoee River" is a beautiful example of a natural wonder, a skeletal display of the raw under-belly of a prehistoric river. Jumbo boulders cluster together to form the treacherous bed of a high-powered whitewater river that often lies dormant within the confines of the Ocoee Whitewater Center and Olympic Park.
By nature the Ocoee River and Gorge is a wild spectacle of dramatic beauty. The rushing power of whitewater rapids displays the immense force that water pressure has had in wearing away hardened stone boulders and shaping the floor of the Ocoee River Gorge.
It's the "Upper Ocoee River," that draws my attention this day, the quiet solitude of the once long abandoned upper Ocoee fulfills both my need to explore the rivers ancient past but also affords me the time to reminisce about early days of my youth, taking the time to feel a sense of spiritual nexus with the land. Along the southern banks of this once deserted Upper River, a monument stands to the potential of this once untamed piece of river wilderness. It's the stately Ocoee Whitewater Center. The center was built to accommodate the 1996 Summer Olympic Slalom Canoe/Kayak Events. During this historical event, the upper Ocoee River ran with wild rage, international crowds lined the banks and sat in the bleachers during the summer event of 1996, to witness the excitement of world-class competition. Before the event could take place the upper Ocoee River bed had to be reconstructed to comply with the Olympic whitewater competition. To design and shape the flow of a rivers current is an engineering marvel in itself, accommodating the needs of thousands of Olympic fans is another matter entirely.
Located to the west, below Boyd Gap on US 64, were highway US 64 intercepts the Ocoee River is a level terrain were US 64 begins its snake like journey along the floor of the Ocoee River Gorge. It is at this point, were the road and dry Ocoee River meet, that would become the location of the Olympic event and were the Olympic Whitewater Center would be constructed. The river gorge is naturally wide along this strip and curves gently through the gorge for at least a mile. The banks along the southern edge of the gorge are wide enough to allow, not only for highway improvements, but there was enough room between the river and the roads to construct spectator facilities and parking. Construction on the river began with the meticulous fine-tuning of angles and alignments for boulder formations, to create competition lanes for the upcoming event. A small-scale experimental model was constructed in the park below Ocoee Lake Dam #1 on Highway 64 in lower Polk County, Tennessee. The constructed model remains in the park and is still operational. The
jewel of the Olympic whitewater park is the state-of-the-arts You enter the main
entrance through the upper level and walk into a large open room with
cathedral ceilings. The information counter is near the entrance, towards
the back of the open room are two separate walls of full glass windows
allowing a perfect over-view of the rivers course and a dramatic view
of the Ocoee River Gorge. Stairs lead to the lower level where there's
a fine gift shop and more large windows with a great view of the river.
Exiting the lower level you'll find yourself in the Ocoee River Park just
above the river. Paved trails lined with large stones lead down and along
the banks of the Olympic course. The upper Ocoee River is open on an average of 56 days a year for commercial rafting only, you can see what days by using our Water Release Schedule. Special "Whitewater Rodeo Events," for kayak and slalom canoe add additional days to the whitewater flow, bringing back the excitement of Olympic style competition. During these events, dozens of flagpoles display the flags of the nations involved in the Olympic games; their brilliant colors can be scene flapping against a mountain backdrop of forest green. The Tennessee Valley Authorities regulates and controls both the usage times and volume of water that flows through the upper Ocoee and Olympic Whitewater Center's water course for these special events. Check out the events and Water Release Schedule.
Along-side the Ocoee
Whitewater Center is a Connecting the white
water's center grounds to
One of my favorite things to do is to pack a lunch and head out on a Saturday when the upper Ocoee River is running commercial rafting trips. You can hike along the river, about a quarter of a mile west of the Ocoee Whitewater Center to the site of a number 5 rated whitewater rapid called Humongous, (you can park in a designated area on the north river bank instead of hiking if you prefer). This is a great spot, easily accessible for photographing the rafting guides hot-dogging it through the rapids . This turbulent section of whitewater is well known by local rafters and visiting kayakers for its intense challenge. Some rafters get caught in the undertow and flip into power surge of whitewater. A skilled rafting guide can most always get a large raft through this part of the course, yet rafting assistants from whitewater rafting companies often line the northern banks at this section of the Olympic course with tow lines just incase one of the rafts flips, sending the paddling crew in for a swim, which brings me to the reason for my visit to this unique region of southeastern Tennessee's Blue Ridge Mountains. Ole' Blue Swimming Hole Hot humid days bring to mind great escapes and it's this dry riverbed that has stimulated my interest this day. Here on the banks of this prehistoric river I remember my youth, when wishing for a little excitement on hot a summer days, would cause me to often seek out a cool place within the confines of liquid matter. A slow current of low water flows continuously down the upper Ocoee, spilling gently over rocks and gathering into pools, some deep, some shallow. Within these pockets and pools is an escape from the outer world that could lead you into the comforts of a submerged wonder. Just outside the Ocoee Whitewater Center and scattered over nearly a mile up and down the dry bed of the Ocoee River are numerous swimming holes and wading pools formed out of large river stones along the Olympic course. Not necessarily a part of the Olympic plan, just the residue of the unforeseen. Located amongst the rocks and pools of the mountain waters you'll often find children and adults splashing, swimming, sliding down natural rock slide and sunbathing on the rocks or just soaking in a still pool alongside a school of fresh water trout. An accidental paradise, a throw back in time to a simpler place as natural as nature intended. In the distance, up from the Ocoee Whitewater Center you can hear and see the fun and excitement of a large group of teenagers on summer vacation, they've taken command of the largest water hole, locally known as, "the Blue Hole," and from what I can tell, they never want to leave, but the local rangers have the last say here. The simple times when jumping off a tall river boulder and cannon balling into the large waterhole received cheering and approvals from your river peers. Just below the center west of the Legacy Bridge are the quieter sounds of small children with their parents enjoying priceless moments that will endure a lifetime. Some young couples sunbath on the large boulders while others play splashing and cuddling games in intimate pools all their own. The scene reminds me of days long ago in Kentucky, when my cousins and I would slip away to the seclusion of an abandoned rock quarry that would fill up with water from underground sources and rain runoff. And, during my teen years, we would swim off the shores of what were called "the rocks," large square and rectangular stones, the size of small cars that were placed along the shores and in the water of Lake Michigan in Chicago. The rocks were placed there to protect the shoreline from erosion. You had a choice, climb across the rocks in the water or dive very shallowly between the rocks in order to get to the deeper lake water. Those were the times and memories that shaped the experiences of my youth, scenes from the Rockwell tales of Huckleberry Finn. A word of caution from personal experience, swimming in such places like stone quarries, lakefront rocks and around whitewater boulders can be hazardous! Hard rock surfaces are unforgiving when it comes to rock meets flesh, accidents can measure from minor to fatal. These rocks can be slippery causing you to lose balance, foot entrapment between rocks can be a real problem, and some stone edges can be sharp causing cuts, abrasions or lesions. Not to mention . Just the same, danger has often the greatest appeal to the adventure, ask a whitewater rafter who's taken a plunge and rode the river bareback just to come back and do it again. Parents with children must exercise rules of caution, and young adults...just be careful you want to live to be mature adults. Even wadding in small shallow pools can be delightful, yet sometimes slippery. The bare rocks protruding above the river water and the shallow depths of fish laden pools are simply beautiful, inducing a sense of awe in nature as we connect with a remnant spirit from an ancient time. The Ocoee Whitewater Center Park is unique in that it expresses in a special way, an experience that has been forged by nature, carved by the finger of time, a genuine natural wonder. Enjoy and respect the park it was created for all us. the Highlander Click here to read about the History of the Ocoee... Click here to read Ancient Waters, Thrilling Ride Occoe River Whitewater Release Schedule
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