Copyright a serious matter! It's real simple, we don't steal from you...
therefore we don't want you to steal from us,that's fair isn't it?
We created this site as a creative outlet and a way to earn a living. As you can see from the amount of work in this site, we work really hard to provide a beautiful and creative point of view of the mountains for people like you to enjoy.
Feel free to recommend this site to a friend, print out a copy of a story, information or directions to find your favorite waterfall or restaurant for your enjoyment and personal use.
You are not allowed to plagiarize, copy, download or steal any artwork, animation, graphics, photos, images or copy (text) from this site to use in your site or anyone else's site or any other type of marketing, advertising or publication that you are creating.
All intellectual property and creative works within the Blue Ridge Highlander are the copyright of the Blue Ridge Highlander and its owners, all rights reserved. We take copyright very seriously and we have digitally watermarked everything with a means to trace it. We reserve all rights and we will prosecute accordingly.
If you are unfamiliar with the copyright laws, you can check them out here Library of Congress and Copyright Law, don't assume you understand them without getting proper legal advice.
Any information we have collected from the National Forest Services and State Parks we are using with permission of these organization.
Some of our advertisers provide us with logos, photos or artwork for their ads, our contract with that advertiser, makes it their responsibility to use only materials within that ad, that they have the permission to use. If you see any infractions on the behalf of an advertiser, please inform that advertiser and notify us as well, we will address the issue.
Our God given creativity and original work is what makes us unique. We encourage you to explore your own creativity within, it is a lot more rewarding than stealing from us.