Creative Classes in the Mountains
BRMAA - Art Center Creative Classes

The BRMAA Art Center, located in downtown Blue Ridge Georgia, offers a full spectrum of classes in a variety of mediums, and with many scheduling options to fit your schedule. Our class programming is locally grown, as we employ many talented local artists as our instructors.
Call today or use the link below to see our latest classes, you are sure to find one to spark your creativity.
Tuesday - Sunday 10:00 - 6:00 - Closed on Monday
420 West Main Street • Blue Ridge, GA 30513 • 706.632.2144 •
Foxfire Heritage Skill Classes

Foxfire values the preservation of cultural crafts and folk ways, and offers opportunities to share this knowledge through its Heritage Skills programs. Various Heritage Skills classes are offered spring to fall each year and teach traditional crafts and practices, such as weaving, herbal medicine, and broom making. Each course is taught on The Land by a specialist in each field. Some of our instructors come straight from the pages of The Foxfire Magazine and The Foxfire Book series.
Classes for youth and adults available.
Monday - Saturday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - Closed on Sunday
Chattahoochee National Forest, 98 Foxfire Ln, Mountain City, Georgia 30562 • 706.746.5828
designed, produced and hosted by
The Blue Ridge Highlander logo, all photography, design, graphics, artwork, writing, digital images, etc are the Copyright © of C. Wayne Dukes and Sherry Bell Dukes, 1996 to current day, except where otherwise stated. All rights reserved, reproduction, downloading, and/or duplication of any sort is strictly prohibited, all violations will be prosecuted. Legal Policy. If you have any questions, or comments, regarding this site, e-mail the Highlander.

The Blue Ridge Highlander logo, all photography, design, graphics, artwork, writing, digital images, etc are the Copyright © of C. Wayne Dukes and Sherry Bell Dukes, 1996 to current day, except where otherwise stated. All rights reserved, reproduction, downloading, and/or duplication of any sort is strictly prohibited, all violations will be prosecuted. Legal Policy. If you have any questions, or comments, regarding this site, e-mail the Highlander.