Your Guide to Great Outdoor Fun in the Blue Ridge & Smoky Mountains
Chimney Rock at Chimney Rock State Park

9431 Main St • Chimney Rock NC 28720 • 1-828-625-9611 •
Trout Treks • Bass Fishing • Wade • Pan Fishing • Fly Fishing • Private Trophy Trout Waters • Drift Boat Trips

So much water to choose from and an adventure you'll never forget.
Call today to start your adventure...828-835-3275 •
Rafting on the Ocoee River

Professional river outfitter with over 30 years experience. Our safety record is unsurpassed in the industry. We believe our staff is simply the best in the business. Guides are chosen for their character and enthusiasm for sharing the outdoors with you.
Call today to start your adventure...828-835-3275 •
Rafting on the Nantahala River

Experience this unforgettable whitewater adventure through the gorge. The Nantahala is exciting, and a great time, but not as wild as the Ocoee. This is a river that you can bring children on as young as seven years old.
Experience the excitement of Patton's Run, the fun and splash of Tumble Dry, the rush and roar of riding Class III Nantahala Falls. For a bigger thrill, try taking one of our Duckies down the river!
Call today to start your adventure...828-835-3275 •
Zip Line Canopy Tours...Nantahala Gorge • Chattooga Ridge • Asheville • Pigeon River
Whichever course you choose you are sure to enjoy the newest outdoor adventure to hit the US.
All our courses offer a soaring and gliding experience naturally fueled by a gradual drop in elevation. All trips offer fully guided tours with 2 or more Rangers on at least 10 zips, 4 bridges beginning with a training course at each location.
Call today to start your adventure...828-835-3275 •
Adventure Camp on the Ocoee & Nantahala Rivers

Catch the surge and ride the rapids on the exciting Ocoee River in Tennessee or North Carolina's Nantahala River for an experience you won't forget. Challenge your skills on the high ropes just for the thrill. Sit tall in the saddle for a leisure ride through the beautiful scenery of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Camp out or stay in log cabins while letting the kids sleep in groups in one of several bunkhouse's. We will help you create a custom retreat for you or your group. • 828.835.3275 •
Medicine Bow Wilderness School • 706.864.5928 •

The Blue Ridge Highlander logo, all photography, design, graphics, artwork, writing, digital images, etc are the Copyright © of C. Wayne Dukes and Sherry Bell Dukes, 1996 to current day, except where otherwise stated. All rights reserved, reproduction, downloading, and/or duplication of any sort is strictly prohibited, all violations will be prosecuted. Legal Policy. If you have any questions, or comments, regarding this site, e-mail the Highlander.