Cedar Cliff Reservoir
Jackson County - Western North Carolina Mountains
Cedar Cliff Lake is known for having a large populations of largemouth bass, that swim in from the Tuckasegee River.
Fish species: Largemouth Bass,Trout, Musky, Smallmouth Bass, Crappie, Rock Bass, Sunfish, and Bream.
A state fishing license is required to fish at Cedar Cliff Lake.
Directions: Take Shook Cove Rd. (S.R. 1135) off N.C. 107, southeast of Sylva
Latitude: 35.2531555
Longitude: -83.099307
For more Information and Licenses
N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission
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The Blue Ridge Highlander logo, all photography, design, graphics, artwork, writing, digital images, etc are the Copyright © of C. Wayne Dukes and Sherry Bell Dukes, 1996 to current day, except where otherwise stated. All rights reserved, reproduction, downloading, and/or duplication of any sort is strictly prohibited, all violations will be prosecuted. Legal Policy. If you have any questions, or comments, regarding this site, e-mail the Highlander.