Chain of Lakes
In the Nantahala National Forest, three reservoirs in beautiful mountain settings provide a playground for recreation enthusiasts. Lake Hiwassee, Lake Chatuge, and Appalachia Lake offer boating, water skiing, fishing, and swimming, as well as a quiet place to relax and enjoy nature's wonders. Lake Chatuge is excellent for sailing.
The Hiwassee and Appalachia Lakes are located west of Murphy, along the Hiwassee River. Chatuge Lake spans the Georgia North Carolina State line, south of Hayesville.
for more information:
Tusquitee Ranger District
123 Woodland Drive
Murphy, NC 28906
National Forest Service...Leave no Trace Policy
State • Town • City • County • Guide
If you would like to know what towns are in which county,
use these printable pages to find out.
Western North Carolina Mountain • Printable City and Town Guide

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