The Cliffside Lake in Highlands, NC
Macon County - Western North Carolina Mountains
The Cliffside Reservoir area is located in Macon County, west of Highlands. This area is located between Franklin and Highlands and is easily accessible by car.
Cliffside Lake Recreation Area offers two covered picnic shelters that must be reserved, a bathhouse with cold showers, a lake for fishing and swimming, a gazebo and six short hiking trails. Some trails lead to waterfalls.
Fish species: Cliffside Lake has fishing opportunities with hatchery supported trout fishing, the lake is closed to fishing during March.
Note: No fee is charged in winter. To prevent pipes from freezing, the recreation area's water is turned off when the area is closed.
Directions: Take US 64 northwest from Highlands for approximately 4.5 miles, turn right (north) on Forest Service Road 57 for 2 miles. There are signs for direction into the area.
Latitude: 35.0815
Longitude: -83.2368
For more Information and Licenses
(828) 526-5912
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