Dockery Lake in Blairsville, GA
Union County - North Georgia Mountains
Dockery Lake is a 6-acre man-made lake. This lake is managed as a put-and-take trout fishery with approximately 9,000 cacheable trout stocked annually by the Georgia Game and Fish Division. The Forest Service operates a camping area adjacent to the lake.
Fish species: Trout
Season: Fishing is normally limited to the regular trout season, which is the last Saturday in March through October 31st each year.
Directions: From Dahlonega, GA take GA Highway 60 north approximately 13 miles to Forest Service Road 654 on the right. Turn right, go 1.0 mile to campground.
From Blairsville, GA take U.S. 19/129 south for 10.0 miles, turn right on GA Highway 180. Go approximately 11.0 miles. Turn left on GA Highway 60, go 4.0 miles to Forest Service Road 654 on the left. Turn left, go 1.0 mile to campground.
Latitude: 34.66413
Longitude: -83.98129
Elevation: 2,388 feet
For more Information and Licenses
Blue Ridge Ranger District office

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