Cheoah Ranger District
The Cheoah Ranger District has 120,500 acres in Graham and Swain Counties. These lands surround four large mountain reservoirs and contain numerous streams. Fishing, boating, whitewater rafting, hunting, hiking, and viewing fall colors are some popular activities. From the Cherohala Skyway, you can enjoy mountain vistas. The Appalachian Trail and other trails make up a network of some 320 miles that cross the district. The district offers trails for horseback riders, mountain bikers, short-distance hikers, and backpackers. Several lakeside, stream side, and scenic developed campgrounds, and picnic areas provide a variety of outdoor experiences.
Cheoah Ranger Station
Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest
Tsali Recreation Area
Horse Cove Campground
Rattler Ford Group Campground
Cheoah Point Recreation Area
Maple Springs Observation Point
Lewellyn Cove Nature Trail
Snowbird Backcountry Area
Cable Cove Recreation Area
Cherohala Skyway
Big Santeetlah Creek
for more information:
Cheoah Ranger District
1133 Massey Branch Road
Robbinsville, NC 28771
Phone: 828-479-6431
National Forest Service...Leave no Trace Policy

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