Waterfalls in the Dawson County North Georgia Mountains
Read about Dawson County in the North Georgia Mountains
Amicalola Falls
Amicalola, the Cherokee word for "tumbling waters," is the highest waterfall in Georgia. At 729 ft. Amicalola Falls it is considered the highest set of falls east of the Mississippi River. When coming from the west on GA 52 you first notice the falls from a two mile distance as you cruise past Burt's Pumpkin Farm. Up close the 729 ft. drop is actually seven consecutive cascading falls, where as from a short distance the entire view of Amicalola Falls appears to be one continual fall.
Both the falls top and bottom can be reached by car. The upper falls has a parking lot and an observation deck running directly over the top of the falls. There's a parking lot at the bottom of the falls by a reflection pool and a paved trail that leads .3 mile. to the top of the falls.
Directions: Take GA 52 west from Dahlonega to parks entrance, about 12 to 15 miles.
Caution: Keep in mind, waterfalls are beautiful, but they are not to be climbed on, they can be dangerous, people have been seriously injured and in some cases have lost their lives climbing on waterfalls, they are posted for a reason, so enjoy while you are there and take a photo home to remember.
State • Town • City • County • Guide
If you would like to know what towns are in which county,
use these printable pages to find out.
North Georgia Mountain • Printable City and Town Guide
Other Blue Ridge Smoky Mountain Waterfalls
Waterfalls in the North Georgia Mountains
Waterfalls in Western North Carolina Mountains
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Waterfalls in the Tennessee River Valley and Mountains

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