Waterfalls in the Great Smoky Mountains
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The Smoky Mountains have a wealth of beautiful, peaceful waterfalls, Waterfalls adorn most every stream in the Smokies. Only one waterfall, Meigs Falls, is visible from the road. It is 12.9 miles west of the Sugarlands Visitor Center, near the Townsend Wye. All others require hiking, and range from easy to strenuous. All are worth a trip and a photograph.
Meigs Falls
Visible from the road. It is 12.9 miles west of the Sugarlands Visitor Center, near the Townsend Wye.
Abrams Falls
The largest water volume of any park fall, and is among the most photogenic. Abrams Falls is a 5-mile roundtrip hike. The trail begins in the back of Cades Cove loop road and is a moderate hike.
Chasteen Creek Falls
A 4-mile roundtrip hike out of the Smokemont Campground. A small, but graceful fall, this area makes for a good moderate hike.
Grotto Falls
Off the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail. It is 2.4 miles roundtrip through a hemlock- dominated forest. Grotto Falls is distinctive as the only waterfall in the park one can walk behind.
Indian Creek Falls
A 1.5 mile roundtrip hike out of the Deep Creek Area. Sliding down 35 feet of sloping rock strata, the water livens and cools the air. Along the route is Toms Branch Falls, another beautiful fall.
Henwallow Falls
Near Cosby Campground, south of Cosby, Tennessee. It is 4.4 miles roundtrip along a moderate trail. This 45-foot fall receives less visitation than many other area falls.
Laurel Falls
The easiest waterfall hike on the Tennessee side of the park. It is 2.5 miles roundtrip, and follows a paved trail. The trail cuts through the middle of a series of cascades. Laurel Falls is 60 feet high.
Rainbow Falls
At 80 feet, is the highest single plunge water takes in the park. It is a 5.5-mile roundtrip hike. It is rated between moderate and strenuous. This trail makes a good challenge and reveals a beautiful fall. These are the Smokies' most popular falls.
Ramsey Cascades
A strenuous 8-mile roundtrip hike. The trail head begins in the Greenbrier Area. A magnificent scene, Ramsey Cascades tumbles over 100 feet in a spectacular setting.
Caution: Keep in mind, waterfalls are beautiful, but they are not to be climbed on, they can be dangerous, people have been seriously injured and in some cases have lost their lives climbing on waterfalls, they are posted for a reason, so enjoy while you are there and take a photo home to remember.
State • Town • City • County • Guide
If you would like to know what towns are in which county,
use these printable pages to find out.
Tennessee River Valley & Smoky Mountain • Printable City and Town Guide
Other Blue Ridge Smoky Mountain Waterfalls
Waterfalls in the North Georgia Mountains
Waterfalls in Western North Carolina Mountains
Waterfalls in South Carolina Up Country
Waterfalls in the Tennessee River Valley and Mountains

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