Waterfalls in the Town County in the North Georgia Mountains
Read about Towns County in the North Georgia Mountains
High Shoals Falls
Within a 170 acre area is a succession of five waterfalls that have an estimated total vertical drop of 300 ft. The 1.2 mile. High Shoals Trail follows along the High Shoals Creek to observation decks besides two of the five streams within this scenic area.
Directions: Go north from Helen on GA 75 for 11.4 mile. and turn right on F.S. Road 283 by the High Shoals sign. Proceed 1.5 mile. on F.S. Road 283 to the High Shoals Scenic Area.
Horse Trough Falls
After an easy trek .4 mile. on Horse Trough Falls Trail you'll reach the beautiful Horse Creek Falls.
Directions: Go eight miles north on GA 75 from Helen to Unicoi Gap and turn left on F.S. Road 44 or Wilkes Creek Road. Go 5.4 miles to a sharp curve and take the right fork and go .2 mile., ford the stream and follow the trees marked with colored blazes.
Mill Creek Falls
This waterfall drops 150 ft. down the Ground Hog Branch and into the main Mill Creek. The stream then rushes and estimated 150 ft. ending with rapids that cascade down Mill Creek Gorge.
Directions: Take U.S. 76 east from Hiawassee and turn right on GA 75 and drive 3.5 mile. before turning left on Mill Creek Road or F.S. Road 26 for another 2.5 mile. The road will cross Mill Creek 1.5 mile. from the pavement. At the camping area, park and the hike through the primitive campground and the follow along the west side of Mill Creek, downstream.
Thomastown Road Falls - Behind Young Harris College
Directions: From Main Street in Young Harris, proceed 1 block past main stop light to Thomastown Road at Mayor's City Park, turn right towards park, bearing towards the left to Maple Road, drive 1/4 to back to Waterfall.
Caution: Keep in mind, waterfalls are beautiful, but they are not to be climbed on, they can be dangerous, people have been seriously injured and in some cases have lost their lives climbing on waterfalls, they are posted for a reason, so enjoy while you are there and take a photo home to remember.
State • Town • City • County • Guide
If you would like to know what towns are in which county,
use these printable pages to find out.
North Georgia Mountain • Printable City and Town Guide
Other Blue Ridge Smoky Mountain Waterfalls
Waterfalls in the North Georgia Mountains
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