Hiawassee GA - Greater Atlanta British Motorcycle Rally at the Georgia Mtn Fairgrounds
Greater Atlanta British Motorcycle National Rally
The British are coming. The British are coming. And you should too!
Join fellow British motorcycle lovers for a perfect summer weekend in Hiawassee!
Come to our annual summer British in the Blue Ridge (“BIBR”) Rally at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds in Hiawassee Georgia! This is the premier British motorcycle rally in the southeastern United States, held every year since 1985.
Lots of fun and activities for all, including a poker run and other mountain rides on the best motorcycle roads in Georgia, a British motorcycle show featuring vintage and new British motorcycles, field events, vendors, comradery and camping
All makes and models of motorcycles are welcome! RV hookups and campsites are available.
June 08, 2024
Georgia Mountain FairgroundsPhone:706.896.4191
Website: Click to Visit