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Blue Ridge GA - Annual BRMAA - Who Dunit?

BRMAA Who Dunit 

14th Annual BRMAA - Who Dunit?

The 14th Annual 'WhoDunIt?' Mystery Art Fun-draiser Event will be held on November 15, 2025 from 6pm to 9pm at The Art Center. This is a rare opportunity to get amazing artworks from sought-after local and regional artists at an incredible price! The mystery is trying to figure out who the artist is that created your artwork. Each $50 ticket guarantees you are going home with an original piece of art from a variety of mediums. This is an event with fantastic art, delicious food, and lots of fun!

How it works:

Purchase a ticket and arrive at The Arts Center. There will be a preview of the art being raffled away from 6:00 to 6:30 PM in our Studio Gallery. You can peruse artwork donated to this fundraiser from local, regional, established, and upcoming artists…but, the question is “Who dun it!”

Guests will then gather in the Richard Lowe Evans Gallery for the raffle. There will be a complimentary wine bar and an array of hors d'oeuvres for everyone attending.

Each ticket purchased will be entered into the raffle and placed in a box. We will start the ticket drawing at 3-minute intervals. The winning ticket holder will then go into the Studio Gallery and pick one of any of the donated art pieces on display. The next ticket will be drawn and drawings proceed until all tickets are gone. You better be quick because the ticket drawing intervals get faster and faster! As the night goes on, there may be several ticket holders in the gallery at once, don’t let your friend get the piece you wanted!

Every ticket holder is a winner, there will be a piece of art going home with each ticket holder!

Proceeds of the event support our Children’s Programs at The Art Center and Student Scholarships provided by the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association.

We hope that you’ll make plans to join us for this fun filled night benefiting our artists of tomorrow!

Limited tickets available. Purchase your tickets today before they are sold out.

For more information and entry deadlines please contact the Art Center.


November 15, 2025

Cost: see above for fees



The Art Center - Blue Ridge Mtn Arts Association
420 West Main Street
Blue Ridge , GA 30513

Venue Page Weather Google Map and Directions

Website: Click to Visit
Contact: River Underwood

Phone: 706-632-2144
Website: Click to Visit

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Travel and Real Estate Guide to the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains, including North Georgia, Western North Carolina, Tennessee River Valley and Up Country South Carolina
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