Waterfalls in the Fannin County in the North Georgia Mountains
Read about Fannin County in the North Georgia Mountains
Falls Branch Falls
Falls Branch Falls, Long Creek Falls, Jacks River Falls is a modest, popular waterfalls in the Rich Mountain Wilderness area. The upper portion of Fall Branch Falls is a series of cascades that lead to a single drop of about 30 feet, the water plunging into a deep pool at the base of the falls. Falls Branch Falls, Long Creek Falls, Jacks River Falls is along the Benton MacKaye Trail west of Aska Road
Directions: Take Old 76 (do not confuse with 515-76) in Blue Ridge, Fannin County Georgia to Aska Road, go south from Ace Hardware on Aska Road eight miles to Stanley Creek and turn right. You'll follow this road through a long narrow valley for three miles past historical site Forest Warden Garfield Stanley's house, crossing a small wood bridge park on right and follow trail at least .5 mile to falls. A small trail leads off to the right to reach the lower falls, continue on main trail further to reach top of falls. Slippery and always wet, exercise caution at all waterfalls.
Jacks River Falls
This popular destination in the Cohutta Wilderness Area requires the longest walk of all falls in Fannin County.
Directions: The easiest access is a 9.2 mile hike from Dally Gap along the Jacks River Trail.
Long Creek Falls
Long Creek Falls is the most popular of the Fannin County waterfalls, you can find Long Creek Falls by hiking down a short side trail from the combined Appalachian-Benton MacKaye Trail. Long Creek Falls total is approximately 50 feet in two different drops. A leisurely 30 minute hike to the falls is uphill on the way in, downhill on the way out.
Directions: Turn right at the end of Newport onto Doublehead Gap Road; go to FS 42 and turn left. Go to the intersection of FS 42 and 58 and turn left on 58 to the see the falls.
Caution: Keep in mind, waterfalls are beautiful, but they are not to be climbed on, they can be dangerous, people have been seriously injured and in some cases have lost their lives climbing on waterfalls, they are posted for a reason, so enjoy while you are there and take a photo home to remember.
State • Town • City • County • Guide
If you would like to know what towns are in which county,
use these printable pages to find out.
North Georgia Mountain • Printable City and Town Guide
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Waterfalls in the North Georgia Mountains
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