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Messages from the Mountains
Welcome to the Blue Ridge Highlander Library of Stories and Tales about the Recreation and Adventure in the Mountains. We hope you enjoy the stories we have created for your entertainment. Below is a photo and short description about each story, click the photo or title to go to the full story. New stories will continue to be added, so check back occasionally to enjoy the new additions.

Santa on the ChimneyChimney Rock at Chimney Rock State Park's Annual Christmas Event inspired our second Christmas story for 2008. What a great event, we had a blast. Read our story, it will truly make you laugh and laughter is contagious and heals what ails ya.

Where does Santa go to train for his Christmas Eve journey down chimneys all over the world? Chimney Rock at Chimney Rock State Park in Western North Carolina... of Course!

Ocoee WhitewaterWhite Water in the Morning!...the Ole Blue Swimmin Hole....Mid-summer heat on a dog day afternoon... visibility fades into a heavy mist hanging densely over the mountains of the southern Blue Ridge...the summer season is at its height.

Deep within the Cherokee National Forest of southeastern Tennessee's Polk County, is an ancient gorge lined with steep rock walls twisting along the cutting path of the Ocoee River's white water paradise.

Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains
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Travel and Real Estate Guide to the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains, including North Georgia, Western North Carolina, Tennessee River Valley and Up Country South Carolina

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Blue Ridge Smoky Mountain Highlander